Privacy Policy
GreenEarth Cleaning is committed to protecting the online privacy of visitors to its website. We believe that greater protection of personal privacy on the web will not only benefit consumers but also increase consumer confidence and ultimately their participation in online activities. We intend to give you as much control as possible over your personal information.
The purpose of our policy is to inform you about the types of information we gather about you when you visit our site, how we may use that information, whether we disclose it to anyone, and the choices you have regarding our use of, and your ability to correct, the information.
Our site may contain links to other web sites. We have no control over the privacy practices or the content of any of our business associates, advertisers, sponsors or other sites to which we provide links from our sites. You should check the applicable privacy policy of the web site sponsor when linking to other web sites.
What information does GreenEarth Cleaning collect from me?
We will have pricing information available on the Website about our products and services, in which case we may gather some personal information when you register as a customer or potential customer using our account interface. During registration, we will ask for your contact information, information about your demand for our products and services, and your e-mail address. Once you register, you are no longer anonymous to GreenEarth Cleaning is able to take full advantage of our services. In addition to registration, we may ask you for information at other times, such as when you report a problem with our site or services, or contact the company via the corporate e-mail address. If you contact GreenEarth Cleaning, we may keep a record of that correspondence.
What are cookies and how does GreenEarth Cleaning use them?
As part of offering and providing customizable and personalized services, many Websites use cookies to store and sometimes track information about you. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a Web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. We may use cookies to allow faster and easier access to your account information, monitor traffic on the site and measure traffic patterns to improve functionality. Web pages may in the future contain electronic images known as Web beacons (sometimes called clear gifs or Web bugs) or other advanced technologies that are useful in the provision of services to you. We may use such devices to verify compliance with our terms and conditions of use or with any promotions on the site.
Disclosure to Third Parties
We do not share personal identifying information with any third party without your permission. We disclose only in aggregate (group) from our statistical analyses or demographics of users to third parties, such as advertisers or other business associates. This aggregate information does not include names or e-mail addresses. In some instances, we operate shared websites with businesses affiliated with us. Our Privacy Policy will apply to these websites. PLEASE BE AWARE that when you voluntarily disclose personal information (such as your name or e-mail address) in chat areas or bulletin boards or to third parties, that information may be collected by others outside our control and may result in unsolicited messages from others. WE DO NOT ENGAGE IN SENDING SPAM MAIL BUT CAN NOT PROTECT AGAINST PRACTICES BY OTHER PARTIES.